Fangames in Changed Furry Fan Community

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Since the bedroom hiding spot thing is getting remade, I'll show off only a bit (if nobody gets the reference i will cry)

Новых глав нет больше года и все постоянно спрашивают будут ли они... я не знаю pwp Там должно было быть много глав, но я решил слегка переделать сюжет и теперь сам хз... Да и другие игры тоже делать хочется( прода возможно будет но когда идк


What are these guys doing?

idk what to say...


finnaly finished that storage room...


Okay I didn't finish some locations, but the next thing I am going to make is the storage room, and I will make that damn cat that made me rage quit when I first played changed (sorry for quality, that's a problem of roblox recording system)

Well, after such a time, I was able to almost implement the full-fledged mechanics of the game, I have already completely done the basis, it remains only some details so that the game looks more beautiful and the mechanics will be completely ready >:3

"We pray to the lord that he sends us salvation— his Knight."

From the people behind Changed: ADHOC, we present you "DREADWALKER"; a TRTF 5 inspired Changed fangame where you're a detective sent to the depths of TRI.

#changed #changedgame #fangame

Achievements? >w>


its angry....or better say HE is angry

#changed #altered #fangame #development