
Comments (36)

What do you think?

O.M.G all my favorite people found each other and are making a game. Whaaaaaaaat?!

dope fricking game

tried on other acount optimized great for bad devices

Looks neat.

Dang. the sprites probably took a long time to make.


In Eldritchvania, you will explore unearthly ruins, solve arcane riddles and pick up your sword against the indescribable horrors that lurk amidst the forgotten depths of our world. Beware the creeping grip of madness as you uncover secrets not meant for the eyes of men.

Developed by @Scimitri and @NathanAuckett ! With music by @nik !

  • Over 70 hand drawn rooms to explore!

  • Countless enemies and traps!

  • Puzzles and riddles that will test your cunning!

  • Upgrades and items to help you on your journey!

  • Damnable bosses!

  • Madness and insanity that affect how the game is played!

  • Lore and story based on and inspired by the works of H.P Lovecraft


The game follows the aged occultist, Dougald, as he desperately tries to track down his son, Fergus. All clues lead him to believe Fergus traveled to the small island of Blackhorn, just outside the coast of northern Scotland. Dougald is convinced he must save his son before he unearths the ungodly knowledge buried deep beneath the island. But will his quest force him to uncover the very same secrets? Unearthing the long since abandoned ruins of lost civilizations, your cunning, endurance and sanity will be duly tested. Are you up to the task?

#eldritchvania #eldritch #platformer #metroidvania #puzzle #action #adventure #difficult #challenging #hard

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed


We have been working hard on Eldritchvania, and we got some exciting news to share! We are almost content complete! That means that all main features of the game are finished, and we'll be moving on to the polish stage soon!


Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates. We're still continuing development on Eldritchvania at our slow but steady rate! Things are falling into place, but don't want to promise and release dates yet.

Enjoy his video of a devious trap in progress

Time for an update post!

Read the article for where we're at and where we're going.


Sound sure does a lot for the scare factor of these things!



We are progressing steadily with the final area in Eldritchvania!

Here is a look at one of the ancient and terrible powers you can unlock in the ruins. The power of Worm!

But beware! When you die as a worm, you die in real life.

In those very dark cisterns, whose waters have grown murky and fetid over millennia, swims such forgotten horrors. Any attempt to excavate its secrets are doomed to agonizing failure.

Development continues on Eldritchvania! Slowly but steadily the pieces are coming into place. Here is a look at a new enemy we're working on. Once destroyed, they turn into a red mist, and will regenerate after a short time!


Playing with Sequences, new to Game Maker 2.3.

These things are awesome for making smoother, more polished video content from graphical resources already in the game!

Extra smooth with basically no extra file size! :D

#eldritchvania #gamedev #gamemaker

The ancient ruins hold many traps and dangers. One must exercise great skill and caution to navigate through the tenuous path to success.

The work on Eldritchvania continues! Things are really coming together, here is a small teaser.

Gaze upon one of our new horrors of the deep. A stygian beast from before the age of man. To swim in its primordial pools invites only certain doom.