
Comments (4)

What do you think?

made by a friend, would recommend

There are no links to finding the full version, can you include some or is this not your game development?

Here is the link to the full version:

The full version receives the newest updates first , and includes the newest description
You can see notes on the free version at the fulls description and here

This is the free version
As such it will be a few versions behind usally, since of course it's the free version
It will be updated, but at a much slower rate then the full version
To see more information about the game please look at the full versions page

I will note here: Your saves from the free version, more or less should be compatible with the full version

Also if a issue occurs, don't be scared to notify me, I should notice fairly quick

fix fountain


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Speeded update realeased

The speeded update has been put up, for both free and full version
So both have plenty of extra game play now! ^-^ have fun

Free Version speeded update event!!