
Comments (82)

What do you think?

incredible game


the game told me to pick mario :(




F*** Nights at Wario's: Gold Struck 1.0 [Main Build]

Version: 1.1.27 months ago
The latest version of the game, the jam build is an older build that was for the 420 member's gamejam. So you should download this build. A 2.0 Update is planned in the future, for those that are looking for more cool content.

F*** Nights at Wario's: Gold Struck - Jam Build

Version: 1.0.19 months ago
The Jam Build of the PEAK FukNaW Game

Fuck Nights at Wario's Gold Struck is meant to be a remake of the original Fuck Nights at Wario's with the elements of the other existing remakes and revamps of the game.


Story is pretty much the same, Wario dies and since than he didn't want his MLG statis to go to waste and so he does what he knows best and starts a night of debauchery so intense that the world will go in deeper shit than it already was !


-Five Nights at Wario's Deluxe is picked as the game and graphics to represent the remake !

-Cosplay Cameras ! (WuT)

-The full FNaW 1 cast as your main playable party ! (yes, that does include Mario too)

-A whole new rebalance ! (game may be too easy because of that since Party of 5 balance is wack)

-A bunch of new bonus bosses !

-A whole cellar to explore and shit on cameras ! (they are not mandatory bosses)

-And more...


Your Mom !

Also this game was made for the 420 Game Jam, funky mode on !


FNaW Creator: @WwwWario

FukNaW Creator: @GravitonArc

FNaFb Creators: @fnafb_official (SPPEPSHighway & Harshmallow)


#rpg #fangame #strategy #fnafb #fnaw #wario #FukNaW #fnaf #other

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

MiniPatch 1.1.1 -

Just some changes that I made while bored.

Mario's AI Animations now have glowing eyes.

(@Danker_Memer for doing it)

New Difficulty Bar for Bosses.

(I'm really not sure why I didn't do it sooner at how bad it was lmfao)

That's it.

Version 1.1 - (Most Probably) Final Update

This should be the Final Update until I work on version 2.0 of the game.

With this out I will go back to GFDS RE for the rebalance update.

Final changes in the artical:

Version 1.0.7 - Small Improvements

To be honest I don't have much to say other than another small update, mostly since I'm not sure when I will get back for the 2.0 Update.

Changes in the article:

Version 1.0.6 - Patch

Just fixes the Boss Rush 2x the equipment exploit (aka you can equip the droppable equipment at the shops, which I didn't intended upon, so oops). Whatever you do it or not, guess it's fine but it of course it wasn't intended for it.

Version 1.0.5 - 2nd Mini Update

Hello Gaymers, didn't expected to make a 2nd mini update before working on a 2.0 with a lot more content.
But here are some of the new changes.