Comments (6)
Pretty funny. I also love the music and art style, congrats! I made a video for the game here: https://youtu.be/Dp_FRyIBDN4
amazing art work
when i can by this game?
i am shure.its be goood game.it's look like Rango.need add british black humor))
yay a dev log thats not gonna be a game until i grow a mustach

Jengo is a new Point 'n Click adventure from South African Studio Robot Wizard, currently on crowdfunding platform, FIG: fig.co/jengo

Doom comes to all who live in the Pixelverse. Closely Guarded by a faceless menace, a large crack in the sky slowly consumes the land. In towns like Old Meta, the inhabitants drink and gamble away their final days waiting for the end to come.

Precious few hold on to a hope that the Jengo, an outlander destined to avert this crisis, will hurry up and get on with the job of saving the world...

Meanwhile, in a completely different world, a disgruntled gaming prodigy called Jeff seeks a new challenge. He heads off to the local Game Mart seeking his destiny. What he doesn't know yet is that two worlds are about to collide.

Tonight, Jeff must postpone the Apocalypse! Support our campaign on fig.co/jengo
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling