Comments (1)
are you still working on this? if you need music you can ask me. i'm 12 tho so if u don't want a 12 year old on your team i can see why.
Hi my name is Samuel Wren and I am a game developer.
I have always had a love of RPG "point and click" games like "Baldur's Gate" and "Heroes of Might and Magic". I wanted to create a game which enveloped the great elements of these games whilst bringing in some original new ideas into the RPG genre.
My goal was is to make an RPG which used mechanics of time and morality in a way which is unseen on the RPG platform today. There are so many RPG clones out there in the indie game market and also in the mainstream. I feel that I can produce an immersive original and charming game using my own hand drawn art (as I have skill also in illustration art and graphics). So far I have spent almost 3 years on "LEMURIA: A Forgotten Dynasty" half of which was getting to grips with the software "Gamemaker Studio 2" and GML logic. As anyone who does programming will understand, a limited knowledge of any computer language inhibits the programmer to progress speedily. However my coding skills have improved a lot and I am working far more efficiently now.
LEMURIA: A Forgotten Dynasty is an RPG set in the distant past. The philosopher Plato spoke of a world lost under the sea. It has also been known as Atlantis. The Bible also speaks of an ancient civilisation that was lost in a great flood. It is said that in this time men lived far longer than today. Methuselah lived to over 900 years! The element of time in an RPG is seldom used at all and even if it is it is never central to the game's mechanics. This is the fundamental principle of Lemuria and I believe it is the element that will set it apart from other games of a similar genre.
LEMURIA: A Forgotten Dynasty is a survival game where the aim is to increase years as you age through an increasingly perilous world.

You the player will choose if you want to live in this world as a virtuous Sethian or a wicked Cainite. Will you live as a lone wolf or a king? As a farmer or a governor? As a general or a city builder? As a criminal or a priest?
Wickedness in Lemuria is increasing as time goes on, enemies are becoming stronger and more frequent. Men of old play god with genetics spawning many combinations of beasts and chimeras like Pegasi, Griffins and Giants. Dragons and beasts of many kinds roam the lands with no dread of men and tamers harvest them like cattle, forming great armies at their disposal.
Two genealogies exist in Lemuria, all Lemurians are either the righteous Sethian or the wicked Cainites. For many years the Sethians have managed to maintain a certain degree of peace in the land, but as of late Cainite hatred seems to be ever pervasive. The enmity that their forefather Cain possessed is inherited by their offspring, and propitiated onto the Sethians.
The diversity of how you choose to play is at the very heart of my vision for LEMURIA: A Forgotten Dynasty
Please support me as I take this game into the third year of development.
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