Comments (41)
I have a little error, OpenGL not supported, is there a way to play in software mode?
In reading the rest of the comments, I may be alone in my opinions. Regardless, I really love the music, art and action but the controls were awful, both gamepad and keyboard. That mixed with what seemed some strange invisible walls, a checkpoint system that facilitates endless death loops and some of the level design making it difficult to discern what you'll walk in front of and what will block you left me extremely frustrated. At no point did I feel like I was playing the game, rather fumbling with my keyboard while things happened on screen. I think this has a massive amount of potential and I look forward to revisiting this after some updates. But until then the controls/poor gamepad integration will be the single biggest barrier.
The wannabe MegaMan!
Just stumbled upon the demo! Here are my thoughts:
+ Solid Gameplay and Aesthetics that put the man vs. army frantic feel of Metal Slug into the sci-fi trappings and adaptive strategy of Mega Man (as advertised) but with enough of its own flavor to feel like its own thing.
+ M16 feels like a rough and tumble little badass who is never out of options (with one possible exception, we'll come back to that)​ in a fight: I genuinely love how his primary weapon system and shields are tied to his energy supply but depleting it never means you're waiting for weapons to recharge to shoot again, nor does the shield just automatically drain by using it... and the bonus of the shield healing him at low health as well as deflecting projectiles is another welcome touch.
- I was a little disappointed that firing one of M16's secondary weapons halted the recharge of his primary systems: Since they can't be fired simultaneously their purpose (while still cool) the secondary weapons (shotgun and machine gun thus far?) feel a tad muted thanks to this as they don't seem to offer much appreciable gameplay enhancement.
- While I'm super glad the game is free of a life system, it is definitely quarter-munching tough even on Normal Difficulty to that point it can be just a touch grating: The enemies are just a little too unpredictable and fast to properly manage in swarms (there were definitely two points in the demo where it was a noticeable problem for me) and at least one enemy has a range and speed that require a level of timing that (I personally at least) found to be a little too much to tackle right now.
While some of that amounts to balancing polish, perhaps one of the things M16 would benefit from would be a melee strike or a shield burst to give him a little bit more breathing room for tactical retreats... even a strafing function that maintains his direction while he jumps and dashes might be useful.
Overall however I have to say that I'm excited to see what a full version of this game could look like: It shows incredible promise and even if the additions I mention weren't implemented Operation Echo could still be a blast!
I LoVe tHiS GaMe
EsPeCiAlLy hOw WhEn yOu fIrE FoR A LoNg tImE It sHoOtS FaStEr aNd wHeN YoU StAy sTiLl fOr a wHiLe iT ChArGeS ThE SuPeR ShOt
OnLy oNe qUeStIOn
WhY ArE ThE SaVe PoInTs CaTs
Operation Echo (2nd demo_Outdated)
Operation ECHO (1st demo_outdated)

Email: [email protected]
Echo is my first commercial game. It is created by GZDoom engine and influenced by several side-scroll-games such as Metal Slug, Megaman, etc.
Thanks again to GZDoom developers for making this game possible to develop. =D

M16 is the protagonist of this game.
He was a famous butler robot. But after Mutant Armageddon started, he got the order of Dr.Miller who created M16.His mission was saving the people's life from the mutant. After adding combat capabilities to M16. He armed with plasma weapon and combat gear that never has before. Now all he needs to do is eliminate all enemies to bring peace back to the earth...
Story GreenLegacy
Pixelart GreenLegacy Mzom
Music & Sound GreenLegacy
Level Design GreenLegacy
Programming GreenLegacy
[Program used]
[Last words]
Criticisms are welcome!
I would appreciate it if you could send me a bug report or criticism directly by email or leave a comment.
#platformer #retro #other #action #scifi #shooter