Comments (11)
Looking forward!
do you still have the old version, with multiple endings?
Android Port Coming Soon? Please?
Not bad. Hope to see more.
hello i just need some help getting to thew second application, i just need a clue.
Sonic Child - The Full Story
Sonic Child. The mysteries await you now. Find the chaos emeralds and....
Sonic Child is an Sonic the Hedgehog horror game that's main purpose is to provide a true "good" end to the original Sonic.exe SAGA and serves to be an expansion on it.
It's also a scavenger hunt game that has many minigames and breaks the 4th wall. You need to decide between two sides, blue or red, you will learn more about them as you progress through the game.
You are the Player.
Decide who to choose. Or will it matter?
See you soon!
#fangame #horror #creepypasta #sonic #sonicexe #adventure #platformer #action #retro #multiverse #LuigikidEXEChallenge2 #SonicTheHedgehog #puzzle聽#strategy #survival #textadventure #2DOpenWorld #args
Play-tested By: @Coronzon
Original Sonic.EXE and Sally.EXE Stories: @MY5TCrimson
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed