
Comments (2)

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Are these actual games or just story time things.

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Those Nights at Jax Justun's 4: Breaking Through the Magic of Time & Reality


Message typed: 12/22/2021

It's finally here!! The last future game of part of the TNaJJ series. This is the 50th game that's for the celebration of me finally getting like 900 followers. I've been waiting for making this game in such a long time.

I hope this game is going to be AWESOME!!!! Because this game will take place after the events of "S.A.W" or "(Snakes at War)". Anyways, the story will be posted for this game like around like tomorrow or during Xmas eve or Xmas day. So stay tuned for that. I'm also making another game that'll be set in the world of "Jax Justun Studios" also. So, stay in touched for that one as well.

Anyways, take care everyone and be safe.



Incoming Soon-ish like tomorrow, or on 12/25/2021. The story is here FINALLY!!!

Story made on: 12/27/2021

After the defeat-age-ness of Lord Snakehead, everyone in the real world and all the other worlds are finally living their lives peaceful. Even during the pandemic, things are running SUPER DUPER slowly and nicely all around. But when one adventure ends, a new one begins. Or should I say, the old adventure still contunies.

Around on 12/26/2021, a day after Christmas was over, a person name "Gorge K. Clockenstein" wants some people to take care of his old Clock House when he's away during the holidays.

So, he decided to call his old college classmates Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew, and Merry Bratts so they can take care of his house when he's having fun on the holidays.


That 3rd paragraph was typed/written a little bit wonky-ish. Anyways, Gorge had told him that his clock house can be a bit dangerous. Legends said that an unknown person use to live in this place but with something else rather then just clocks. So, around on each night at 12 to 6 AM, Justun and all of his friends must stay alive and.... Well, you all know what you people do these days with your fnaf games. Don't get killed or caught, watch over the place so it won't get destroyed or messy, wear a mask, use lights, use doors, don't run out of power, and etc.

But to make things worst, Ian Neill's monsters also known as the "ACTUAL MASCOTS of Jax Justun Studios", are plotting revenge on Lord Snakehead's death.

After his death, Lord Ender Dragon or (LED), Mr. Direction, Lord Admin, and Lord MC Dungeons are all can't even stop thinking about after S.A.W Inc. had been shut down for good!!! All the other monsters included.

So, LED and the others had decided to plot revenge on only Justun and his other friends. The reason why is because they don't want to spoil the holidays with Ian Neill and his entire family. So, on 12/27/2021 (which is/was today of course), LED and the other monsters had founded the place where Justun and his other friends/workers were hiding in. It was "The Old Clock House"!!!

Legends has it that this house can control space and time in reality!!! Jax Justun and his friends needs your help to protect this house from dangerous threats from LED and the rest of the monsters. Your entire mission is control this house and to protecting again from dangerous threats from....

  1. Mr. Glumpty Plant

  2. Larr

  3. Jefferry

  4. Grigdet

    5 and 6. Mr. and Lord Vaccum

    7 and 8. The Crayola Brothers

    9. Ridley (Riddley)

    10. Mr. Cheffinton (Sheffinton)

    11. Mr. Bluesaur

    12. Mr. Sewing Machine

    13. Mr. Stapular

    14. Mr. Big Doom "D" Duck

    15. Mr. Saxaphone

    16. Mr. Shadowface

    17. Georyg

    18. Mr. Croc. Top

    19. Lord Ender Drgaon (LED)

    20. Mr. Direction

    21. Lord Admin

    22. Lord MC Dungeons

    and 23. Sannnd Clock

YEP!!! Sannnd Clock was actually another unused character as well. Unlike monster numbers 15, 16, 17, and 18, Sannd Clock was supposed to be the ACTUAL main antagonists for the S.A.W (Snakes at War) parody series. But sadly, he was been scrapped for number of reasons. He was removed for lack of voice acting, a bit pointless from the original plot, having lots of modeling errors, lack of "TOO MANY MONSTERS", and the lack of having an awkward body of like a messed up body of a part camel, part snake, and look to much like the other main monsters. He was then replaced from the ACTUAL/REAL main antagonist Lord Snakehead, then never been seen the day of light EVER AGAIN around on 11/12/2020. But on 12/27/2021, Sannnd Clock had finally made it in returned for being not just only a legacy monster, but also another side-antagonist as well.

Anyways, Sannnd Clock had told his old middle school/7th grader friends that he use to live in that house after his parents died, when his grandparents had moved to San Antonio Texas, and also when he was...YEAH!!!

Anyways, now that LED has now Sannnd Clock in his team, LED's team can never be stopped. FOR GOOD AT LEAST!!!!!

LED had decided to name his team as "The JJSM Team Force"!! Which is short for "The Jax Justun Studios's Mascots Team Force". Or again for short "The JJSM Team Force"!!!! The "M" is silent. Now then, where was I? #OOHHYESSS!!!

Looks like it's up you to save the day once again from lots of clock problems!! Anyways, how hard can this be?#adventure #other #fnaf #fangame #horrorish #action #pointnclick #puzzle #fnf #textadventure #survival #strategy #sports #past #present #FUTURE #LifeOnEarth #holidays #History #Animals #EVERYTHING #OkayICanStopNow #Codeis041420052022 #Forsomethingthatsuseful4later



Incoming Soon-ish

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Brief Nudity
Graphic Sexual Themes
Mild Language
Mature Humor

Man, it's been like so long since I'd made an ACTUAL post for an ACTUAL announcement for this #4thThoseNatJJs game!!!!!

2022 Parody Character #42 - Sannnd Clock (Created on: May 4th, 2024) Well folks, looks like we'd finally done it!!!!


It's here my lads!!!

My friends, it's finally here!!!