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ALPHA - A Very Hard Boss Fight Runner 2
Version: 0.5.311 months ago
This is just a very early version of the game, things are 100% Likely to change
#action #platformer #fangame #bryant
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Pretty big things with this, I'll just give it a list

I'm not really sure, but I've been trying to figure out how to animate Benji, more so with the legs, which is why I keep having to redo/shapen them up

He's done for now
Now I gotta figure out how I'm gonna animate him

Remaking Benjiro's model once again to make it to his current design, the next one is the older one, and I think it looks alright for the most part. I also noticed for some reason that the older version is a lot less saturated than the newest one

Starter textures for geometry(at least for the Box Geometry since ramps are gonna be a bit tricky to figure out with it)

You can't fall off slopes anymore

Idk why I was so stubborn on adding X to to the depth sorting issue

Me after trying to figure out what the heck I'm even doing with depth sorting after it being a literal year of dealing with this without anyone having a clue with what I'm doing

Ugh, why is this so much tougher than it needs to be

Ugh, ok but it's not that bad at least I hope