
Comments (8)

What do you think?

yo, i returned to the game after a year - this time i'll finish the demo for sure! here's the link:


game crashed right after the mysterious intro. the face graphic is in the folder, but the funky finnish letters in it are absent. i'd suggest you make an update that replaces all of the finnish letters in the files, at least for the english version ;)


Balance Of Magic Demo (English Version)

Version: 1.2.2over 1 year ago
The English version of the game. Ver 1.2.2

Taikuuden Tasapaino Demo

Version: 1.2.1over 1 year ago
Suomalainen versio pelistä. Versio 1.2.1

-Balance of Magic-

-Game Description English Ver-

You take controll of the character James Stiffen, a drunk alcoholic who got robbed and now is on a quest to save the world from an upcoming world domination....

-Pelin Kuvaus Finnish Ver-

Sinä otat haltuun hahmosta James Stiffen, juppo joka ryöstettiin, ja nyt on tehtävällä pelastaa maailman tulevasta maailman vallosta...


Made By: Game Hamster, Robsu, Salama, Hollonen.

Main Dev: Game Hamster, Hollonen

Map Makers: Salama and Game Hamster

Character Design: Game Hamster and Salama

Music: Game Hamster, Salama, Maximum Black, Saryn

Story and ideas: Robsu and Hollonen

Playtesters: Masteralbi

#adventure #rpg #action

Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use


BOM Small Patch Update!
**It should now work on english ver**

BOM Minor and Small Patch Update!
Fixes, achievement lag, and files from finnish to english!

Alright, i checked out a let's play vidio of BOM and, the reason why it lags after like each area, cuz it tryin to give you the achievement for example going to Dreamscape, or doing 5 side quests. I'll get working on that dw!!

BOM Minor Patch No. 1

-Fixed both game versions not working due to not remembering to compress game data