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Blocky Jumps

Version: 0.1.0about 16 hours ago

-- MADE IN 1 WEEK --

Blocky Jumps is a short "horror" experience.

With very simple and minimalistic 16-bit pixelart art style and a pallete of blacks and bright reds (similar to the virtualboy console).

You controll Blocky, a stick-figure with a square head.

You run through a desert while jumping any obstacles that come in your way.

Just a simple game, right? Play enough and find out...

#horror #retro #survival #platformer #runandjump #simple #short #jumpscares #16bits #16bit #cars #city #desert #dark #dialogue #music #2D

Mild Cartoon Violence

If you're asking (probably not):

-Yes, the Game will be updated.

-Yes, This is mostly unfinished and there's more.

-No, I'm not going to work on it for a long time.

So yesh, I have plans for this, just not right now.

Blocky Jumps, my new game! This was made in 1 Week for a Challenge, hence why it might be bad and unfinished. I will soon make a Youtube video documenting the process. (Algunos Textos dentro del juego están en español)