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Castle Wars: Legacy

Version: 0.2.1about 1 month ago

Castle Wars: Legacy - How to Play


Destroy your opponent’s castle or build yours up to a set height before they do.

Game Setup

  • Each player has a castle and a wall for defense.

  • Players start with resources that generate per turn (usually bricks, gems, and weapons).

  • A deck of cards is used to take actions.

Turn Structure

  1. Draw a card

    • You have a hand of cards to play.

    • Some cards require resources to play.

  2. Play a card or discard

    • Each card has an effect, such as:

      • Building up your castle

      • Attacking your opponent's castle or wall

      • Stealing resources

      • Boosting resource production

    • If you don’t want to play a card, you can discard and draw a new one next turn.

  3. End your turn

    • Resource generators provide materials.

    • Your opponent takes their turn.

Winning the Game

  • You win by:

    • Building your castle to a target height (e.g., 100 points).

    • Reducing your opponent’s castle to 0.

#multiplayer #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Adding achievements, not sure how and if this will help but giving it a shot anyway.
I wonder how much polish will be required for this to finally kick off
(still a work in progress)

Initial map and toplists work, but the problem of some interesting map mechanics is still missing. Feels like i'm missing some core motivator, like collecting something, coins, levels, achievements

trying to think of a good map/territory battle system. So far i've made each site which embeds the game something like a clan or group, so even if players play a quick game, they still contribute to world map dynamics somehow.