
Game Soundtrack
"Deltaswap: Soul Song" is a fangame inspired by "Lenny's underswap" concept (find him on youtube and soundcloud as "lenny1240") that takes place on an alternative universe of Deltarune by Toby Fox.
In it, you take control of Dess, Kara and Elleon, the three heroes of the Soul song leyend, the one that says that, when doomsday arrive, three heros will play the "Soul song", a song that can make positivity and negativity get fusioned into one only force to destroy the demons hell. You must find all the seven partitures before the end of the world arrive.
(If you wanna help me with the fangame, you can contact me via Discord , find me as "sadsimpsteto")
The fangame development is temporally paused because of school and because not so many people could help me with it.