
Comments (4)

What do you think?

This game looks good

I would be interesting in trying out a review copy or in any way participating in the testing of whatever you have at this stage in development.

hey the games looks really good, if you need help with the music can help compose some themes

hey the games looks really good, if you need help with the sprites i can help but im not very good at it but if you need help im here! :)

You were taken early into hell, but the Devil has plans for you before he'll let you return to the land of the living...

Devil's Ranch is a farming sim with a twist: Everything you grow comes straight from the fiery pits. Instead of four seasons you must survive the 9 circles of hell, all the while producing enough crops to keep the big man downstairs happy. Will you be able to escape this produce purgatory? #farming #simulator #survival #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes

Barebones new inventory system is up and running, fixed some bugs with the limited grid system and prepared to start adding plants.

It's time to put our guy to work...

World border graphics and autotiling for soil that's ready for planting.

Even in hell you need a place to sleep.

The purple makes the particles stand out more... picking dirt colors for all 9 circles in going to be hard.