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A new auto-tiling algorithm is in place for tilled soil, as well as some new world border tiles to give the map a definite sense of scale.
I made a game for Ludum Dare 46: L I F E G R O W T H Guide a small being to maturity through minigames in this micro-adventure.
It's time to put our guy to work...
Working on pulling together the current set of graphics to start building out the maps and basic mechanics.
I think this poor guy needs to join the farmer's union.
Even in hell you need a place to sleep.
Barebones new inventory system is up and running, fixed some bugs with the limited grid system and prepared to start adding plants.
Working on a little particle system to give the farm that much more of a hellish atmosphere... Poor guy needs to join a worker's union.
Inventory system is up and running, now preparing to add a variety of plants and randomly generated map elements.
The purple makes the particles stand out more... picking dirt colors for all 9 circles in going to be hard.