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Dragon Crown v0.3

Version: 0.3.0over 3 years ago

Dragon Crown is a game where you play as a dragon and attempt to reclaim your crown, which was stolen by humans! Rack up destruction points and earn coins to watch your dragon visually grow more powerful.

#action #strategy #rts #dragons #levels

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

Dragon Crown is now playable! I'll be taking a bit of a break working on it for now, since it's in a playable state, but that doesn't mean I won't return to it- I still have ideas for the future! I would love feedback!

Smallish update today but I think it was needed. Now, various things will drop from buildings sometimes that will help by healing you or refilling stamina. This should help prevent points in the game where you're stuck waiting for stam to refill.

Today was a big polish day, a lot of small stuff I'll just add in the article below.

Alright I spent all day working on getting the last upgrades for the first dragon completed, I'm not posting any pictures though because I don't want to spoil it, I think the upgrade mechanic is super fun to discover. Now I can focus on polish!

A little preview of the first (and hopefully not last) boss of Dragon Crown! This sprite is pretty big, over 400 pixels across I believe! It's also the first boss I've ever made, a bit of a personal achievement.