
Comments (1)

What do you think?

interesting beta with much promise. the setting is interesting, the premise is good, and Dusty's badass - glad to have her as the protagonist. however, as expected of the early beta, the game is plagued with bugs. here's a rundown of everything of note i've spotted while playing:
- in the beginning cutscene you can see dusty in the bottom left corner, just hanging around :P
- first ever line Dusty says is cut off by the window limitations. so is the second one.
- all the menu sounds are too loud. the worst offender is probably the gunshot one that plays every time you scroll through menu parts or manage options.
- Dusty's eyepatch is on different sides of her face depending whether it's her portrait or field sprite XD
- if Dusty has a gun then why does she resort to punching people instead???
+ the custom portraits and enemies look nice.
- the hole in the side of the mountain that takes you to a cave transports you to a set of vines from which there is no exit and no way to proceed.
- Keegan's portraits overlap with each other - fix the image with the set.
- why doesn't Keegan's battler have legs. or arms. lmaooooo
- when Keegan pleads for his life after getting his ass handed to him the portrait is that of Dusty for some reason???
- it's "Thief's Dagger", not "Thieves" :)
- you can't go back to areas where you've been before.

all in all, the game is promising - you can do a lot of cool stuff with a desert setting like this, especially in an rpg. the characters are cool - i already love Dusty and Keegan. the gameplay and the terrain is what weighing the game down, however - fix the problems I mentioned and master the art of map building and you'll make a good ol' rpg. wish you and the game well :)



Version: 0.0.1over 1 year ago

Join Dusty as you travel through the uncharted lands of the Dustbowl, as Dusty goes out to search for her wife and find her safe and sound. #action #adventure #strategy #rpg

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor
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