
Comments (53)

What do you think?

i really like this game :)

Its definitely lovely...the concept, the visuals... but damnit i can't get pass the second round ughhhh

Not interesting enough. Nothing new.
Gets a bit better with the weapon but yeah.

Hands-down, this is the stupidest, crappiest, laggy, boring, pointless, worthless, overall terrible shitty excuse for a retarded ass game that I have ever been unfortunate enough to experience. Laggy, glitchy, and when it does work, it's not worth playing. And again I will repeat the list of adjectives that describe this game for emphasis and they are as follows: Worthless, pointless, boring, crappy, poorly-made, obnoxious, frustrating, shitty, retarded, laggy, glitched, IQ-lowering. Congratulations "Abstract Games" for making a mindless Angry Bird's-esque bore that numbs the mind of it's idiot players, yet somehow managing to screw up such a simple, mind-numbing game.

Good work! Really nice art style and concept. But, from what I can see, there's nothing terribly innovative.


E.Y.E.R.I.S. Installer

Version: 1.0.0about 11 years ago


Version: 1.0.0about 11 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

[mindphase1] Finite

E.Y.E.R.I.S. was made in 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2014 and won people's choice at the Phoenix ASU location! Every choice you make will influence the way the game is played. There is an immediate effect and a delayed effect for every decision. Choices have no explanations and you must use your own interpretation of the images shown to decide which path to take.

E.Y.E.R.I.S. awaits you. Discover your experience.


-------Controls ------

Keyboard - WASD to move

Mouse - Left Mouse Button to attack

Gamepad -Left stick to move , Right stick to attack.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Kyle and I are working on updating E.Y.E.R.I.S. for modern systems. This will include updated art, mechanics, and maybe some added features. It will still be a smaller scale game, but should play a lot more friendly. Cheers.

Interesting find: The HTML version of E.Y.E.R.I.S. is tied to your monitor's FPS. If the game runs insanely fast for you, check your monitors refresh rate, lowering it to 60 will give the intended performance. Good luck!

Doing it all!
