Comments (25)

who else agrees that the water starter looks like a Pug?
Looking forward to it!
I can't wait for this fully relesce ether @TallPotato
Do you intend to put the game in several other languages like Portuguese?
This looks fantastic! Well done on an excellent game.

Wishlist us on Steam! It's super important for us, please!
Wishlist is very important for the devs, and I am sorry to Game Jolt and you dear Jolters that I put the link on top, but I am sure you clever sweeties will understand. Since both the official workers and users all know that everyone is gonna publish their game not only on Game Jolt but other places as well.
And I don't think this is going to attract people away from Game Jolt to other platform since we are a bunch of royal Jolters. Yes, we go to other places, but Game Jolt always has a crucial and weighted place in our heart that we just can't part with.
Anyway, love and peace to Game Jolt and you cute Jolters. Let's continue to game introduction.
HECK YEAH - I got an offer letter for college! It's not Harvard or anything, but it's still something...
HUH!?? This place is NOT like what I'd imagined! My professor just gave me a couple of quick lectures - like some kind of in-game tutorial for noobs - and then ran off! Leaving ME to take care of his creepy-looking animals. Actually... I'm not even sure if these are even animals at all? Professor called them 'Fantamals'. Am I in some kind of Farm-sim Valley?
WHAT?! Someone stepped up to me while I was out shopping, and is challenging me to a Fantamal fight! He keeps his one in a weird bottle...
That's right - Professor gave me one of those bottles too when he gave me the Fantamal. Guess I should've paid attention during that tutorial instead of just clicking through...
OK then - I got it! Let's fight!
[Game Introduction]
Inspired by farm-sim and monster-collecting games, you will collect different Fantamals and train them up, learning about their combat potential to earn credits at college. Explore the universe to learn about and unlock different Fantamals in different towns.
[Game Features]
**Collect** produce from Fantamals in your very own research ranch.
**Produce* farm goods using different machines and cookware.
**Deliver** goods to customers and fulfil orders.
**Tame** Fantamals in the wild and train them up, or place them in your ranch for production.
**Learn** about Fantamals, earn college credits and unlock loads of great prizes!
**Meet** NPCs, make friends and battle against them!
Wishlist us on Steam!
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/GPXhWuX
Kickstarter Plan
A demo will be released on the end of June.
And we plan to launch a Kickstarter campaign after demo release.
======I'm really impressed if you read all the stuffs and end up here!======