
Comments (3)

What do you think?

yooooo this is really fucking good - i love games made using RPGMaker and this is one of the best i played so far! the menu is done perfectly, the overall interface is very good, the storyline is engaging and cool, the battle system is ideal, especially attacks like Blaze's Tornado where you have to input correct buttons in a short period of time to make it work! the animated enemy sprites also look very nice, the whole game looks well made and plays good as well!

the character are awesome - i personally love griffon and blaze, especially griffon since my home city even has the mythical creature from which he got his name on the flag and the coat-of-arms) also, the usage of battler sprites as portraits is pretty genius, i have to say)

my only complaint is that there isn't a proper tutorial to the game mechanics, i believe - the battle system is cool and simple, but it would be nice to have some in-text introduction to it. also, it would be great to have at least one save crystal at the prologue - my first time playing the game i met a horrible fate at the hands of the skull scorpions on the stairs and was kinda sad that i wasn't able to save before the encounter and my progress was kinda nullified. also, i noticed that there's a weird bug - when booting up the first save slot it automatically skips to Blaze in the main party with time displayed being around 2 hours - that was odd, but if you could fix this bug and adress the beforementioned issues with the game (even though they're pretty small and aren't fatal the overall experience with the game would be better if you did adress them) then the game would definitelty get better.

all in all, Immortal Oath was a very pleasant surprise for me - while playing the game i was constantly amazed at all the cool mechanics and interested in the plot! Coma70se, i wish you best of luck and nerves of steel in the art of game development! take care!


Immortal Oath

Version: 0.5.0over 3 years ago

Nothing is stronger than the Immortal Oath

Explore the world of mortals through the eyes of an immortal demi-human, while he journeys to gather his brothers and sisters in order to combat the spread of demons through the land.

The rift between the human world and the demon world is growing wider, and the immortals, the sworn defenders of the two worlds, are all but disbanded. Now as the threat of internal destruction grows stronger, and more dire, the time for the immortals to return has arrived.

Join Griffon in an uphill battle to rejoin the Six immortals as he works to restore the world the immortals once restored.

Status of Development

This game is currently in development, and much work still has to be done, however, I still wish to expand on this project as time goes on. In time I'd like this to grow into a full polished game, and will continue to work on it until I achieve that. This is my pet project I've worked on for a while now, and it's finally in a state where it can be played. It's quite rough, but I'm looking to get feedback while working on this project. #rpg #rpgmaker

Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

It's been a minute, hasn't it? In all honesty things have been hectic on my end for a while now so I had to put this little passion project on the back burner for a little while, BUT, it's back. I'm back and I absolutely can't wait to show you more IO!


One classic revenge subplot coming up

A new challenger approaches...

I've noticed a lot of issues with the previous battle system, so along with changes to that, I've added a few additional changes. I'm working on a much bigger update than this, but for now this should fix several issues.