"Taking place in the year 2035, Lupus Ex Machina follows the story of Tyler Norman; a 16 year old commissioned gray-hat hacker on a mission to track down his father Travis after his sudden disappearance 5 years prior."
In the streets of Fenrir City, Arkansas; a social and economic division has spurred a clash between Fenrir City's cyborg population and the catholic church. Businesses and larger scale companies preferring cyborgs over humans, and worker unions refusing to work with one another.
Discrimination, Injustice, Tensions in the air, all to distract the public from the greater threat to Fenrir City. A large scale criminal organization run by robots of all shapes and sizes known as the Androsuitor Armada. From kidnappings to taking over entire buildings, the Androsuitor Armada is guilty of it all.
This is only the tip of the iceberg as Tyler Norman, Nate Thompson, Damien Donghai, and Thor the Wolfdog traverse the streets, facing Androsuitors and more, to meet the end of each of their own goals.
Lupus Ex Machina will be launched soon for Windows on Gamejolt and Steam.
Prologue - Unexpected Events: Designing Maps, Animating Cutscenes...
Part One - Breaking and Entering: TBA
Part Two - On The Flipside: TBA
Part Three - Raid The Bastille: TBA
Project Director/Main Developer: Delta Hawkins
Social Media Manager: Amia Midnight
Soundtrack/Scoring: Reuter
Animation: Delta Hawkins
Voice of Tyler: Alexander Echols
Voice of Nate: Kevin Frei (Kevintendo)
Voice of Thor: Jellyspice VA
Voice of Christian: Kyle Mooney
Voice of Saoirse: Vanessa Nostbakken
Voice of Icarus: Dustin Frederick
Background Roles: D'artagnan Maciel, Lec Zorn, Jean-Luc, Hannah Schrom.
OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
Memory: 512 MB or more
Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
Storage: 400 MB or more free space
OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
Memory: 512 MB or more
Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
Storage: 400 MB or more free space
#horror #action #adventure #rpg #arcade #survival #strategy #lupusexmachina #cyberpunk #episodic #comingsoon #steampunk #rpgmakervxace #anime #scary #rpgmaker #rpgmakermv #rpgmaker2003 #rmvxace #other #puzzle #altgame #roguelike #scifi #devlog #voiceacting #lupus_ex_machina