Comments (9)
The game seems to have bugs. It was crashing for me, I had to add some int casting in some places. You are using floats as array arguments in some places.
I just finish to read the description and it make me really wanted to play this game
I will play it and recommend it for my friends
sorry for errors I'm not speaking english :(
I love it so much! This is how game should be, Nice and simple!
c; beutifal
Meteoria Binary for Windows
Meteoria Source
Meteoria is my entry to the GameJolt contest, which is themed "Chaos".
Objective: The goal is to earn a certain amount of credits. To win, you must achieve this goal during Normal Weather.
Difficulty Credits
1 6000
2 7000
3 8000
4 9000
5 10000
To earn credits, you must build blocks. There are 8 different kinds of blocks in Meteoria, 4 producer blocks and 4 modifyer blocks. The producer blocks generate credits, and are strong against some forms of weather, aka, generate credits, weak against most weather, aka. minor damage, or vulnerable against certain weather aka. strong damage. Here is a list of the producer blocks:
Block Strong Vulnerable
Windmill Tornado Rain
Water Collector Rain Flood
Solar Panel Solar Flare Tornado
Water Pump Flood Solar Flare
When blocks are damaged, you lose a small amount of credits, and when they lost all of their health, you will take a big penalty in credits. To heal blocks, hold down the left mouse button. To delete blocks (and take the credit penalty), right click on the blocks.
To help the producer blocks, there are 4 modifyer blocks. They cannot be repaired, but have more health than producer blocks. They affect blocks that are above, below, and beside them, but not diagonal from them. Here is a brief description of the blocks:
Structural - This block is a cheap block that has no real power of its own, however, producer blocks get a bonus when they are surrouned by other blocks above, below, and beside them. Structural blocks are an easy way to surround producer blocks to obtain the bonus.
Power - The power block increases the credit output of a block.
Repair - The repair block makes affected blocks repair twice as fast.
Shield - The shield block prevents all damage to affected blocks.
The weather in the game changes more rapidly the more difficult the game setting. The forecast is located in the bottom right of the screen; there will be some items labeled '?', which are unknown until they come. There are more unknown forecasts the more difficult the game.
Normal weather is a time to regroup before another onslaught of weather. You must meet the credit goal during Normal Weather to win.
Use modifyer blocks liberally; you'll need them.
Repairing is almost always better than destroying
Maintaining a diverse collection of producer blocks is essential.