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"Dear valued customer,

Due to a recent incident regarding a delivery truck in your local area, it is possible there will be a delay in your parcel's arrival time. We apologise for the inconvenience and promise to get a new delivery truck out of the depo as soon as possible.

As for the alleged reports of our packages 'coming to life' and 'warping reality into a chaotic hellscape' - that is purely coincidental. However, if you have been affected by this we are willing to offer you free shipping on your next order!

Kind Regards,

Pandora Deliveries."

'Out For Delivery' is a goofy RPG with a twist - you have to use cards to summon your party members into battle. You play as an unnamed package carrying a magical artifact which accidentally activates during transit; plunging the world into chaos. Feel free to draw a face on your parcel, as you're never fully dressed without a smile!

Battle enemies (terrible puns warning), meet new friends and have a dance battle with a demon. All that and more in one... package.

#rpg #adventure #strategy #retro #action #chaos #pixelart

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling

We apologise for the delay in delivery, your package appears to be floating downstream. At least this one's not alive! (Probably)

#retro #rpg #adventure #action #chaos #pixelart


Menu's aren't the most exciting things, but they're incredibly useful.

#retro #rpg #adventure #action #chaos #pixelart


Put up your dukes, it's time for battle.

#retro #rpg #adventure #action #chaos #pixelart

Almost the time when the spirit world is closest to our own - you know, halloween.

First post of the mostly finished character creator. Give your cardboard box the makeover of a lifetime - or just make a monstrosity. Either way your enemies have to stare at it.

#retro #rpg #adventure #action #chaos #pixelart