
Comments (11)

What do you think?

How you make 32s? Your monster...

You probably should add a keybind to restart.

And I love the game, I'm addict!

This is a truly amazing demo! It kinda reminds me of super monkey ball! There's only one problem that I have that doesn't seem that fixable but I should mention it!

When you have rails on the tracks, it seems like there's no real challenge and there's the risk at hand. Being able to fall of really give the player that rush of adrenaline and it really makes them want to keep their momentum and pull of amazing stunts!

It really give the cinematic environment of the game a nice bit of pull since everything is so amazing visually and the player can really rush through and make their way!

That's the only thing I would change about the game but otherwise, it's simply beautiful!



I'm the master now


Roll Down Early Access

Version: 0.4.7about 2 years ago
Roll Down has entered Early Access


Version: 0.4.7about 2 years ago
Patching manually: If you already have an older version (above 0.4.5) of roll down downloaded from the browser, than you can use the patch package. To install the patch just open the games folder and paste the extract patch file in this location roll.0.4.5/Windows/roll/Content/Packs or roll.0.4.5/Linux/Content/Packs, be aware that the patch must be specific for your platform.

Roll Down

Roll Down is a simple Racing Game where you control a small collection of classic sport balls and have to participate in different event types like Time Attack and Speed-trap. At the moment I am making the transition from the Demo to the Early Access Version!


What the Game All ready includes:

We have already two game-modes (Time Attack and Speed-trap), Three Sport Balls which you can customize and Two maps one is represent the finished Version and the other one will get an rework in the finale version!

Roll Down Finale Version:

The Game will feature a small Selection of classic Sport balls and different Tracks and Locations! This game is my first step in to the world of Racing games and will be my first commercial Game!


So what is the plan?

Here is the Roadmap!

Prototype One: was a proof of concept just to get an idea if this is even possible!

Prototype Two: Re acting to the player feedback and checking if the performance is possible with the Graphic standard. Can be tested on at the moment!

Demo: The Demo will be a completely vertical slice of the game and will give every one the chance to get there hand on some gameplay!
It will feature three Balls and two game modes time attack and speed trap.

At the moment I am making the last changes and fixes on the Demo!

Early Access: Beyond the Demo there will be an Early Access version for a small price tag! You will get access to the latest builds and Multiplayer based on the Steam API!

Release: If the development stays on track I am aiming for a release at the end of the Year! Release will be on Game Jolt, and Steam! Maybe also the Microsoft Store.

Things to keep in mind: At the moment I am developing the game solo by side my full-time job so things may take longer as they should!

Follow as to get the latest information!

#action #arcade #sports #other #racing #racinggame #retro #fast #analog #Rolling Ball #marble #platformer #multiplayer


Small Teaser of the new Buildmode of Roll Down & #ProjectSpeed. Hopefully I can soon show you more before the Winter freeze. Any way hope you liked all the new Multiplayer mode and stay tuned for much more news.

MapEditor Project Speed {Work in Progress}
Just some gameplay of the new Coop Map editor currently developed in Project Speed and later implemented in to Roll Down.

Finally after 7 Months I released the next Update for Roll Down and this time I made an Trailer|Devlog that shows the biggest features of the Update! {}

Roll Down 0.4.7 Update Trailer
Trailer that highlights all the new features of the 0.4.7 Update for Roll Down!Play Roll Down Early Access for PC & Linux:Gamejolt:

The next Update is on the Way! 3 new Tracks and a new ball, just have to finish the balancing. #ScreenshotSaturday


Finally I can share some new Gameplay for the next update for Roll Down. By the way feel free to join the Racing Community!

Roll Down New Map Teaser (Work in Progress)
Hey everyone just wanted to share with you a teaser of a new map I am working on for Roll Down Mk2. Yes I am still working on Roll Down and I am looking forw...

Just an really Early Prototype for the Track tool for Roll Down and Project Speed!