
SpaceMercs is a new game coming in 2020 by Ian Whitehouse at Box Turtle Enterprises. It is a FPSRPG, and is inspired by many games, such as Mass Effect, Fallout: New Vegas, R6V2 and GTA. The game mainly takes place on a few celestial bodies, which are Mars, Europa and Earth, but more may be added later. It is all about story lines, and aims to have a complex story where what you do influences the game world through this game and any possible sequels. The plot starts with the protagonist, a victim of Soviet experimenting and in a prolonged sleep for decades, being woken up by rebels hoping to use his strength and powers to their aid. However, this protagonist is far from perfect. He has lost the use of many of his powers and is too weak to hold heavy armor. You take control of him and have to train him up, influencing the course of humanity as you play. The main site for this game is either spacemercs or the indiedb site The website is being made into the main site, however status updates will still be posted on indiedb. Most updates will be available here.