
Comments (3)

What do you think?

I Can't wait to drink water! im under the age to drink so i have never tasted water :)

Wait... why is this in the FNAF catagory?


You are generic man (and yes, that is his name because his mother didn't loved him) who is thirsting in a sunny day (i guess) and wants to drink something, specifically water. So, instead of doing as a normal person does, you decide to do an EPIC QUEST, fighting against the world and do EPIC MISSIONS to finally drink a bottle of water ()


TAQTGABOW is a joke game, because well... the stupid idea for doing a quest to find a BOTTLE OF WATER. But eh, the game is (mostly) a platform game, with your classic videogame arsenal, like jump or shoot. The objective of (most of) the levels is to go to the goal to pass to the next level, that's basically all i can say about the game...

Or is it?


Explore_Man: ....Everything?

Special thanks to IHateSsG for the thumbnail and header

Full credits once you finish the game

#action #adventure #platformer #retro #pointnclick #other.... #fnaf?

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

While the game is STILL on HIATUS (:c) and i have other priorities rn, i'll left this screenshot. It's a car section, nothing big, but it's to vary something.

Devlog 3: a very really so important information about the development of my game and yet so short

Devlog 2: idk what to name this devlog but its cool i guess

Devlog 1 2: electric boogaloo


Tutorial of how to beat erm.... the tutorial level