A Graveyard for Dreams
4 years ago

A beta version is out now. It's buggy and everything, but it's playable, and can be beaten.

If you find any bugs (or typos), please post a comment so I'll add those bugs to "known bugs" section in the description and fix them later.



Next up

Here's some #art. You don't have to thank me.

Here's what I have done this far. The map is a test map and will be replaced once I have finished programming all the main features.

Now with some enemies!

Some progress. I'll start a devlog once I decide the name for this game (the working title is "A Tower for Memories").

Don't ask. I needed a merchant character, so I just started drawing something without any idea what would it be. The shop itself is not implemented yet, though.

Who would have guessed, making a puzzle game with metroidvania-like progression for MS-DOS with CGA graphics didn't really work, but if you want to try it, see here: (see "Releases"; requires DOSBox)

I still had fun, though.

I started working on the actual game map (the map you have seen in the gifs and videos was a test map), and here's the progress this far. About 50% done.

Night is coming.

Note that "night" is just used to reveal some objects that are required to collect to enter the final area, it's not a distinct game area.

More about it later.


Devlog is coming once I draw the logo and create the game page.