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The best way to let everyone play with whatever controller they want is to let players test it out, reconfigure it, and let them test it again.'s a bit messy, since this is a game that should support two players.
Just a reminder. It's coming on the 16th, assuming nothing goes wrong.
Part of the expansion involves a cute little fight right here. space for no apparent reason.
...too bad it won't be as epic as the final boss, but still...
I was considering releasing the expansion today, but then I found a lot of bugs I should've spotted in the original build, and I made the minimap do extra stuff for said expansion.
Don't worry, it'll be out by tomorrow night.
I realize some players just want to play the game and see the story, while others may actually want to use those revival items, so here's a little compromise for you all.
Also, yes, I NEED to put on that "Pro" flag everywhere.
Somewhere in this game is a robot convention. It'll need a large variety of enemies (and a miniboss) because our robot maid will destroy the merchandise on display just to keep one kid safe.
...but it's okay, since no humans are gonna get hurt, right?
Sorry I haven't been updating anyone on Robot Maid P-NA-4. I took a big break from that, and played some other games instead.
I've still got work to do on it, like making a third level and its accompanying enemies.
Every layer of people in the crowd is one object each. With the Creation Code, I changed LayerScale, which determines how far away something is, and now fixes how to align them to the camera.
Since those layers are all the same color, they'll blend.
Convention centers are kinda sad without people in them.
The real trick, however, is figuring out the layers. Should I do a big strip of crowds, or silhouettes of other booths, or what? It's a 2D platform game. Making environments can be tough.
I hope you appreciate what I go through for pointless details like this.
I don't plan on going this crazy too much, though.