Equestria Stories: Soul and Shadow (Crystal Warfare)

1 year ago

Crystal Warfare Bug Fixes (Experimental BETA, ENG)
The game is still being tested, so run it at your own risk!

● Fixed the lack of BGM file which caused the game to crash at the end of chapter "Awakening";

● Fixed teleports in secret locations;

● Fixed an issue that during tutorials, the image would not disappear when the Cancel button was pressed;

● Removed unused BGMs and maps, and some images are now in a different format to reduce the weight of the game a bit.


● Replaced save system. And although autosave with it works a bit incorrectly, it does not cause problems during loading;

● The data file for connecting to GameJolt site is now located in the Saves folder;

● Changed the appearance of the displayed map names in the upper left corner.

Даааа... Я очень ленивый, уже от одной мысли что-то делать всё желание пропадает XD




Next up

Dev. News v3.3 "Feline im-balance 59"

MLP.exe: Chapter 1 Nightmare Alpha 4 (не завершено!) доступно для загрузки!

Мяу. Процесс портирования идёт. Умираааааааююююю....

The porting process is underway. I'm dyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiing.

Screenshots + small patch for 0.3.3 Скриншоты + небольшой патч для 0.3.3

Patch 0.3.22|0.3.23 (lazy edition x2, meow)

Обновление Experimental 2.5 FINAL ? The next update 0.3.0 will include an English translation

Patch 0.3.21 (lazy edition, meow)

ES: Crystal Warfare Reborn ENG (ALPHA) is available for download!

Tribute to ...

Screens taken during development | Скриншоты разработки