Right now I'm debating whether I want to use them as simple flat sprites, or if I want to do a plain plane mesh of some blue color or watery texture, then modify the waves so they are more like actual waves (cutting off the top tiling portion) and stick them in vertically.
The problem I see with that, especially in this scene, is that the river is flowing north to south. Would I want to put vertical waves in the same direction so they match the direction but may be poorly viewed except at extreme angles, or place them perpendicular to the river's overall direction so they are constantly viewed but going against the natural flow as it were?
Water in this game is for environment, a little canoeing, and a bit of fishing. There will be no swimming or underwater or anything like that. If you do happen to go in the water, it will be a local reset and loss of HP (not total death unless you're really that low on HP).
Eh, what the heck. Let's put it to a vote. In the meantime, I'll go back to my save/load problems. Maybe.