HIGH SCORE CHALLENGE IS HERE! Compete with other players for the high score in the Typhoon Unit demo, and win some custom art! Visit the Typhoon Unit Discord for details!
Next up
Congrats to @Taizen_Chisou for winning the September #TyphoonUnit Score Challenge! Here's the requested artwork! Gale is practicing her focus and targeting skills!
Patch v0.5.13 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A bunch of tweaks, fixes, and improvements!
Patch v0.7.46 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Lots of changes and improvements in preparation for the MAGFest Indie Showcase this weekend! Check it out!
Patch v0.3.30 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A ton of visual polish and quality of life changes, as well as a new hyper mode mechanic called Synergy Break! --- #shmups #indiegame
The Pulling the Strings Update for the Typhoon Unit demo is here! Patch notes down below! ---
#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups #Shmuptober #Witchtober
"Pulling the Strings!", the latest chapter for the Typhoon Unit demo, will arrive on OCTOBER 27TH!!! Get ready to face off against Maggie and her perilous posse of puppets!
#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups #Shmuptober #Witchtober
Patch v0.3.31 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Tweaks, fixes, and a new lesson in the Training Room! --- #shmups
Patch v0.7.34 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A new chapter, plus tons of balance changes and quality improvements! Check it out!
Patch v0.3.22 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A few gameplay changes, including character balance, and a tweak to how Synergy Combo works! NOTE: Config file format has changed. For now, please delete old config files.
Patch v0.8.10 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Revamped hud elements and a bunch of gameplay improvements! Check it out!