Typhoon Unit ~ Butterfly Requiem

1 year ago

Patch v0.8.10 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Revamped hud elements and a bunch of gameplay improvements! Check it out!



Howdy, folks!  Been a while since the last update, but I've been working on some stuff behind the scenes.  This new build includes a bunch of quality of life and polish updates to bring it more up to date with what I've been developing.  Enjoy!


Patch Notes v0.8.10


UI and Menus

  • Menu controls are now fully horizontal at the bottom of the screen.

  • Main menu visuals and music have been updated.

  • Added an option to turn off audio when the game is unfocused.

  • Added analog stick deadzones to input options menu.

  • Description box has been moved down on the Chapter Select menu.

  • In the demo version, you now type in your name upon selecting a game mode from the main menu.  The full version will have save files with a name associated.

  • Fixed a bug where the on-screen keyboard would lag the game.

  • Added controls display on the on-screen keyboard.

  • The on-screen keyboard now reflects the real keyboard when typing in a name.

  • The player hud has been redesigned as an action bar.  Each move of the current lead character is displayed, as well as meters for cooldown/charges where applicable.

  • Player characters now have alternate hud portraits for different states.

  • Added an attack power meter below the hud player portrait, which changes appearance based on Synergy Boost/Synergy Break.

  • The gameplay hud is replaced with letterbox bars during cutscenes where the player is inactive.

  • Major bosses now have a title card at the beginning of the fight.

  • Results screen has reworked visuals and sound effects.


  • Story Mode no longer preserves resources between stages.  Each chapter starts fresh.

  • As a result of the above, there is no longer a Story Mode high score table.

  • Ranking System - Each stage has 3 rank categories and a final rank that averages them together.

    • SCORE - Achieve a certain amount of points to meet the threshold.

    • EVASION - Avoid taking damage to keep your evasion score high.

    • COMBO - Rack up large synergy combos to meet the threshold.

    • FINAL RANK - An average of the three.  If you achieve S rank on all three categories in the same run, you will earn an S+.

  • New item type: Heart Piece

    • Picking up 3 will give 1 life back.

    • If you have full health, you can store up to 2.

  • Enemy shields now have better contrast.

  • Fixed a bug where the same enemy spawns multiple times.

  • Fixed a bug where the end of a super move could cancel dialogue from other cutscenes.


All Characters

  • Passive charge multiplier when bombs are empty has increased from 1.5x to 2.0x.

  • Decreased the spell cooldown debuff for characters not in the lead.

  • Removed cooldown time from character swap.

  • Direct character swaps now immediately transition into that character's special move, even if the button is no longer held.

  • Fixed a bug where holding down a direct swap button while the spell is on cooldown causes the character to repeatedly vibrate.

  • If a spell is about to come off cooldown, the direct swap will delay up to 10 frames until it's ready.

Synergy Boost/Synergy Break

  • Minimum Synergy Boost damage buff increased from 8% to 10%.

  • Maximum Synergy Boost damage buff increased from 40% to 50%.

  • Synergy Break damage buff increased from 20% to 25%.

  • Upon S-Break ending, a health pickup can spawn if

    • You earn 1,000,000+ and let the S-Break run the whole timer. (Heart piece)

    • You earn 10,000,000+, but use up your S-Break armor. (Heart piece)

    • You earn 10,000,000+ and let the S-Break run the whole timer. (Full heart)


  • Spread Shot (Normal Shot)

    • Shot cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 frames.

    • Bullet damage decreased from 2 to 1.5.

    • Bullet spawn position has been moved to better match the animation.

    • Bullets now do 20% more damage at point blank and fall back to normal at mid range.

  • Chaingun (S-Break Shot)

    • Shot cooldown decreased from 6 to 3 frames.

    • Shot spread angle increased from 15 to 20 degrees.

    • Shot spread now has a subtle sweeping motion.

    • Bullets per burst increased from 6 to 8.

    • Bullet damage decreased from 1.5 to 0.55.

  • Flash Burst (Super Ability)

    • Reduced stun time from 180 to 140


  • Orbit Ring(S-Break Shot)

    • Spark bullets now appear around the beam target to deal damage to nearby enemies.


  • Scorching Fireball(Normal Shot)

    • The tap fastball has been disabled.  Tapping or holding the button will launch charge fireballs.

    • Bullet spawn position has been moved to better match the animation.

    • Shoot charge time decreased from 15 frames to 5 frames.

    • Charge damage decreased from 4.8 to 3.5.

    • Uncharge damage decreased from 3.2 to 3.0.

  • Inferno Breath(S-Break Shot)

    • Fireballs are rapidly fired from Casey's mouth, bursting immediately on impact.

    • Inferno fireballs have shield-breaking properties.

  • Explosive Punch

    • Attack destroys all on-screen shields for the duration of the follow-through after impact.




Training Room




  • Made the Focus Movement section easier.

  • Abridged Synergy Boost tutorial added to the end of Basic Training.


Ch 1 - The Steel Butterfly Appears

BOSS: Prisma



  • An introductory cutscene has been added to Story Mode.  It is still a work-in-progress.


Ch 2 - Pulling the Strings

BOSS: Maggie




Ch 3 - Echoes in the Waves

BOSS: Maya


CURRENT PROGRESS: Fully Playable, but missing 1 boss pattern.

  • Modified some dialogue.


Ch 4 - Metamorphosis

BOSS(ES): Dr. Umbra and Metamorphosis Prisma


CURRENT PROGRESS: Fully Playable, but could use a little extra refinement.  Umbra is missing 1 boss pattern.

  • Modified some dialogue



  • Button prompts in-game do not change with control bindings. ( This will be fixed soon.)

  • Overlapping textboxes during gameplay

  • Bosses dont pause animations during time stop

  • The Story Mode intro cutscene sometimes bugs out and repeats.  Hold the skip dialogue button to continue if this happens.



Next up

Patch v0.3.31 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Tweaks, fixes, and a new lesson in the Training Room! --- #shmups

HIGH SCORE CHALLENGE IS HERE! Compete with other players for the high score in the Typhoon Unit demo, and win some custom art! Visit the Typhoon Unit Discord for details!


#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups

Patch v0.5.13 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A bunch of tweaks, fixes, and improvements!



Patch v0.7.46 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Lots of changes and improvements in preparation for the MAGFest Indie Showcase this weekend! Check it out!



Patch v0.3.30 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A ton of visual polish and quality of life changes, as well as a new hyper mode mechanic called Synergy Break! --- #shmups #indiegame

Congrats to @Taizen_Chisou for winning the September #TyphoonUnit Score Challenge! Here's the requested artwork! Gale is practicing her focus and targeting skills!


#indiegame #shmups

The Pulling the Strings Update for the Typhoon Unit demo is here! Patch notes down below! ---

#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups #Shmuptober #Witchtober

Patch v0.3.22 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A few gameplay changes, including character balance, and a tweak to how Synergy Combo works! NOTE: Config file format has changed. For now, please delete old config files.


#shmups #indiegame

Patch v0.7.34 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A new chapter, plus tons of balance changes and quality improvements! Check it out!



"Pulling the Strings!", the latest chapter for the Typhoon Unit demo, will arrive on OCTOBER 27TH!!! Get ready to face off against Maggie and her perilous posse of puppets!


#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups #Shmuptober #Witchtober