Typhoon Unit ~ Butterfly Requiem

4 years ago

Patch v0.3.22 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A few gameplay changes, including character balance, and a tweak to how Synergy Combo works!
NOTE: Config file format has changed. For now, please delete old config files.


#shmups #indiegame

Patch Notes v0.3.22


-Pressing any key to dismiss the title screen will no longer happen if the window is out of focus.

-The bomb energy meter is now slower to recharge.

-Grazing hazards now gives you energy.

-Basic enemy deaths are worth 100000.

-Enemy fireball bullet type now has a more forgiving hitbox that covers only the white area.

-Reduced enemy shield damage reduction to 90%, allowing all characters to break shields.

-Boss health bars now show how much of the healthbar attacks deplete, and have hang time on big attacks.

-The boss health bar now shakes a bit when a high damage attack is used on the boss.

-Adjusted visuals for boss outlines.

Spells/Synergy System

-The score multiplier now goes up to only 6, but multiple hits are required to level up.

*2 Hits ---> x2 Multiplier

*10 Hits ---> x3 Multiplier

*20 Hits ---> x4 Multiplier

*30 Hits ---> x5 Multiplier

*40 Hits ---> x6 Multiplier

-Max combo cap has been decreased to 40 hits.

-Damage buff is now based on synergy level, instead of percentage to combo cap.

-Max damage buff from Synergy Boost is now 150%.

Gem Power System

-GP value now starts at 10000

-The GP floor increases by 10000 points with each boss defeat.

-GP is now capped at 200000 from the start, but the cap increases by 50000 for each stage cleared.

-Getting hit decreases your GP by 20%, using the GP floor as the baseline.

-Gems can now have a "buffed" property, which changes their appearance, and multiplies their point value.

-Fixed a bug where Gem Power floor values didn't carry over between stages in Story Mode.


-Hitbox size decreased to 21.

-Successful critical hit is now worth 50000 points.

-Successful critical hit raises Gem Power by 250.


-Hitbox size decreased to 18.

-Tracking Beam damage increased to 0.66 damage per frame.

-Fixed a bug where using Temporal Warp would negate recovery frames after getting hit.

-Temporal Warp now uses grazebox size to detect collisions with enemies.

-Bullet absorbs during Temporal Warp are now worth 1000 points.

-Barrier recovery i-frames frames have been increased to 60.


-Hitbox size decreased to 25.

-Fixed a bug where melee attacks would hit the same enemy multiple times.

-Stun Punch charge time decreased to 8 frames.

-Stun Punch follow-through decreased to 18 frames.

-Base damage of Stun Punch has been increased to compensate for the multi-hit fix.

-Successful stun punch is now worth 50000 points.

-Successful stun punch raises Gem Power by 200.

-Successful shield break raises Gem Power by 300.

-Bullet shatters from punch are now worth 1000 points.

-Casey now moves slightly backward in the wind-up of Explosive Punch.

-During the dash in Explosive Punch, Casey has an incinerate field around her fist, which instant kills low health enemies.

-Explosive Punch now has a bigger melee hitbox.

-Fixed a bug where Explosive Punch would sometimes calculate its damage from the wrong enemy health value.

Ch 1 - The Steel Butterfly Appears!

-Changed the placement of the last regen field.

-Regen fields no longer give points.

-Prisma's final pattern now removes the shield at the end of the pattern cycle.

Ch 3 - Echoes in the Waves!

-Fixed an exploit during Stage Presence where one of Maya's attacks could be nullified by pushing her off screen.

-Reduced trance movement debuff during Maya's Requiem from 0.8 to 0.75.


-Save version checking is incomplete, so starting with config files from the previous version may cause an error.

-Particles will sometimes not spawn at the correct position. This is triggered by completing the demo and returning to the title screen. The fix is being worked on.

-Button prompt icons do not change with control bindings for in-game tutorials. This will be fixed in a later version.



Next up

Patch v0.3.30 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A ton of visual polish and quality of life changes, as well as a new hyper mode mechanic called Synergy Break! --- #shmups #indiegame

Congrats to @Taizen_Chisou for winning the September #TyphoonUnit Score Challenge! Here's the requested artwork! Gale is practicing her focus and targeting skills!


#indiegame #shmups

The Pulling the Strings Update for the Typhoon Unit demo is here! Patch notes down below! ---

#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups #Shmuptober #Witchtober

Patch v0.5.13 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A bunch of tweaks, fixes, and improvements!



Patch v0.7.34 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! A new chapter, plus tons of balance changes and quality improvements! Check it out!



Patch v0.7.46 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Lots of changes and improvements in preparation for the MAGFest Indie Showcase this weekend! Check it out!



Patch v0.8.10 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Revamped hud elements and a bunch of gameplay improvements! Check it out!



"Pulling the Strings!", the latest chapter for the Typhoon Unit demo, will arrive on OCTOBER 27TH!!! Get ready to face off against Maggie and her perilous posse of puppets!


#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups #Shmuptober #Witchtober

HIGH SCORE CHALLENGE IS HERE! Compete with other players for the high score in the Typhoon Unit demo, and win some custom art! Visit the Typhoon Unit Discord for details!


#TyphoonUnit #indiegame #indiedev #shmups

Patch v0.3.31 for the Typhoon Unit Demo is here! Tweaks, fixes, and a new lesson in the Training Room! --- #shmups