Muppy Muddington Tale

3 years ago

Muppy Muddington Tales February Progress Update

Hello everyone, it's time for the latest progress update on Muppy Muddington Tales!

First off - I'm changing it into a web comic, seems like kind of a weird decision I know, but a major problem consistently throughout this has been trying to figure out the gameplay, since it was going to be a game. The story I planned would directly clash with the idea of it being a game and just kept being really really boring, and add that with my shitty dev skills and it kept getting caught in an infinite loop of development hell. Now that it's a web comic I can work on creating the story first, maybe I'll rework it into a game again at some point though.

Feb. 26th marks the 9th anniversary since I started the series, so I'm probably gonna try and get a "Chapter 0" out by then to celebrate it(if not I'll try and get something out, no guarantee cause I've been in the process of moving houses for the past month and thats taken up most of the already little free time I have now).

Also I've written the first 4 arcs summary, as well as almost all character interactions but I still have to adapt it to fit into a comic setting.

Anyways, thats all I have to share for now, see yall next post.

Update: 2/23/2022

Unfortunately Chapter 0 will not be out when intended, got super busy again. Gonna try to do a mini gag comic for the anniversary instead.

Update: 2/28/2022 I am so sorry, I really am trying to hurry, but there's been so much going on I have like 5 seconds of free time every 4 days or so it might be a long while before I can do anything.

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Next up

I was originally going to do the prologue section last, since the original plan was that it would a remake of MTB:TDOW but I changed most of the plot and gameplay so I decided to do it first plus it stands on its own anyways. So anyways here is a teaser!

Finally re-did the designs for the main trio in my new style.

Gave him a striped shirt and some spikier hair.

Muppy Muddington Tales : January 2023 Main Progress Update (Warning Major Spoilers)

Still tryna figure out GMS2's sequence editor. Doing a quick test animation to get a feel for Monotious' more complicated movement. I also included some other random extra stuff at the end. Not as good as I would have hoped, but I'm still learning so eh

I'm going to try to get a new demo out soon, the prologue is roughly %75 complete, it's technically beatable other than boss fights, bonus levels, the sub area, and some cutscenes, it really needs some major touch ups though(especially Heatway Desert).

Haven't finished Muppy's redesign, but I did get around to animating the new redesigned Lilly some.

New demo released! Things are getting really crazy in my personal life so I probably won't be able to work on this for a month or two, and it's very buggy so keep that in mind Mac & Linux Builds will release soon. It wouldn't build so I'll try again later

Since Mickey Mouse became public domain earlier this year, I wanted to try and draw my own version!

Wanted to try my hand at digital painting, I like how it came out.