Random images I stole found.
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normal day in the argonne
Making fun of the blobfish because it looks ugly after being pulled rapidly out from under tons of water pressure would be like making fun of a human for what they look like after being beaten and burned to near death.
Leave my boi alone ):
So... Black Ops II no longer takes place in the future..
Have a joyous second cold war, everyone!
Commie memes that I... 'Shared' with people.
New pfp--Deux jours
The first actually original thing I've posted in a while.
My fatass saw a small assortment of chocolates on the counter of my humble abode, immediately scarfed down one without a semblance of a second thought, and read the microscopic label stating it was alcoholic. Whoopsies.
Now that the Earth is about to finalize a complete revolution around our solar celestial body, we may fire hazardous explosives into the atmosphere, consume intoxicating substances, and engage in other lackadaisical festivities !!