Synthnostate DEMO [ALPHA]
2 years ago

Synthnostate v0.8.3 released

It’s been 2 months since I uploaded anything and I need another month to finish everything I wanted in this release, so here’s a snapshot for anyone who wants to test all the new/improved GUI stuff. It’s a big improvement.


  • GUI system overhaul, fixes, and basic optimizations

  • Scrollbars, checkboxes, choice widgets

  • Text input/editing improvements

  • Scene loading progress bar

  • Settings file and UI completed

  • Keymap & hotkey system completed

    • Keyboard GUI controls (Arrows/WASD, tab, shift-tab)

    • Arrows & enter key in autocomplete lists

    • Hold CTRL key to force walk / select tiles only

  • Modal popups (no clicking/typing elsewhere)

    • Character, Inventory, and Talk are "co-modal" with Party Panel

  • Character screen:

    • Camera controls

    • Player switching and "tabs"

    • Stats mode semi-done (character creation & leveling PROTOTYPE)

    • Color customization finalized

  • Open/close doors

  • Move/rotate objects in edit mode (and chairs/boxes/etc in gameplay)

  • Various fixes/tweaks (art, text, sounds, game mechanics, etc)



Next up

March 2021 big-picture update on Synthnostate: Crusaders of the Tinfoil Hat - basically the yearly “we’re not dead” post. I wanted this to be the WIP release announcement, but alas, I can only say we’re getting there.

New title: READY

Lore, scripts, midgame conspiracy quests: 90%

Combat GUI: UNACCEPTABLE. The code's a mess, I need to rewrite it. I've had some design changes in mind anyway.

Will anyone miss the current one?

Demo v0.7.2 released

Content editing & inventory management

(Next two releases will focus on gameplay!)

Demo v0.7.1 released

VERY BASIC combat, health bars, weapon/attack selection UI

Next: NPC creation tools, combat details, dialogue, etc. All RPG fundamentals should be functional in early March.

v0.7.3 released

Ported and overhauled ~95% of combat code from V1.

Devlog moved again due to platform issues here!

For future updates, bookmark or join+subscribe at

Synthnostate v0.7.4 progress

Converted and cleaned up NPC/item data on day one. 100% smooth sailing, feels good man.

Dialogue UI ported (and converted from big-box-of-text to 'speech bubble' over the NPC's head)...

v0.7.4 released - Dialogue, Class System, Scene Traversal

The important parts are all in. Now I need another month to follow up on turnbased combat, AI, the GUI system, equipment UI, and debugging.

v0.7.0 Tech Demo released

What’s new? Nothing except JS scripting, internal cleanup, and fixes.


WIP screenshots