Rock Beyond Time
2 years ago

The Level-Up Update announcement

Here. It's my ZAGE announcement. I've been planning this for a while. Also, since I'm doing this to announce the level-up update, I might as well make it fun.

You can actually find this sequence in-game, but it'll require a certain code.




Next up

He's coming back. ...but just this once.

Coming soon to another update.

Lemme get some work done with it first, then we'll talk.

I felt some mechanics were underutilized, so I'm making an expansion.

...more or less just a side quest and extra dungeon. No more than that here.

Coming who-knows-when.

Does anyone want sprite fonts? Here's a starter pack.

Good luck assembling it, and modify it any way you want.

I know. It looks pretty much the same as before. I just needed the motivation to do more with it.

...and an excuse for all sorts of robots at a convention to be attacking Pinafore, specifically.

I realize some players just want to play the game and see the story, while others may actually want to use those revival items, so here's a little compromise for you all.

Also, yes, I NEED to put on that "Pro" flag everywhere.

When you don't know about copyright laws when it comes to fonts, you either take a chance, or make your own.

Of course, in the world of sprite art, that doesn't leave many options.

I hope you appreciate what I go through for pointless details like this.

I don't plan on going this crazy too much, though.

The next update may be full of bugs.

...moths, mostly.

In case anyone forgot, robots explode.

So do robot maids.