After breaking a thing and not knowing how I broke it, after many tutorials and rewritten code, I finally figured out what the problem was and how to fix it
As it turns out, it wasn't really the code at all. The code was fine. The nav agent was working exactly as it was supposed to and so was everything else
The problem was actually in the AnimationTree. Discovered that on accident, really, when I accidentally deleted it and then stuff started working again. Through process of elimination, I determined that it stemmed from the callback process. It was set to "Idle" when it apparently should have been "Manual"
How I interpret this is that because the wolf's movement and animations are dependent on the player movement, whenever it came time to actually move, it would instead just continuously fire off through the AnimationTree and be unable to move. I could be wrong, but that is my interpretation of things. Now, since it's set to "Manual" callback, it only does what it needs to when it needs to without requiring external input