I think I'm going to have to start a new to-do list and figure out where I left off and how I want to proceed.
-Art, the never-ending slogging chore because of how bad I am at it
-Story, the thing that happens flawlessly in my head, not so much on the computer
-Music and SFX, the last thing I usually do so I'm not even going to worry about it
-Animations, mildly tedious but necessary
-Database development, easy but can be mind-numbing and repetitive
-Followers, collecting and switching between them, plus more animations
-Charms, and all the extra calculations for bonuses and extra abilities and such
-Other shinies, the things that mean the least but usually get done the fastest
I am making progress, I promise. I just need to figure out where I left off.
I also have another side project (read: ANOTHER SHINY) that I'm passively working on as well
I really need to get my stuff together. I have a commission that I'm working on that I should have wrapped up in the next two to three weeks. That's really what's been eating my time the last few months. Then I should have most of my time back for a while.