ShapePlacer 1.1.0
Patch Notes - 2020/01/6
Added a few useful features and changes to make the game feel more complete, including color customization for all the shapes.
Restart counter that informs the player when the game is going to restart after a game over
Separate music and sound effect volume sliders in the options menu
Fullscreen and grid checkboxes in the options menu
Individual color customization for all 7 shapes
Renamed the game to ShapePlacer
Replaced the sound button with an options menu button
The game is now covered while paused
The pause button can now also be activated with the spacebar key
Decreased the minimum wait time to pause and un-pause from 2 sec to 1 sec
Bug Fixes:
Shapes can no longer drop one more space after the game is paused
Download the source code here: