Post Hello

6 years ago

We're on the front page! Which is probably how you've found the game. If you liked this game, be sure to check out Player Known Battlegrounds



Next up

Just released an open source first person interaction toolkit. If you want to make your own walking sim adventure game, this is a great place to start!…

Made a DIY mocap solution using Sony Mocopi + Meta Quest Movement SDK. Any thoughts?

New thing out, check it out if you'd like :3

Just for fun I'm making a free first-person interaction toolkit, basically a walking sim template for 03DE and I need some feedback on what mechanics you'd expect in a package like this. What do you think I'm missing or should add?

Then after cleaning, I used motion builder to characterize (match the mocap skeleton to the model rig) and retarget (skeleton and character aren't the same size, so offsetting joints). I even made a fake bed to have something to fall off of! 2/2 Post Hello was recently showcased at art collective Dizzy Spell. Neat!

Making my own virtual art installation, but first need a venue

Been making mods for #Bonelab lately, feel free to check out my various avatars and such

Doing some bedroom virtual production for my upcoming project Zotto