BradCoWaiian Dreams™ — By "BradCott Games: A Subsidiary Of JadeJohnson Games; A Subsidiary Of JadeJohnson Industries™" — For Windows PowerPoint 2019+ ONLY
5 months ago

We've done it! We've finished the base-code! This was just a test to see how well it worked, and wow, isn't it perfect or what?!

Now it's finally time to flesh-out the game-world for the new demo-build!

PS: Super Street Fighter II: Claw Stage nostalgia?

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How The New BradCoWaiian Dreams Will Run On A Dell Or HP Laptop From 2018 Or Earlier:

For reference, we recommend running this game on an MSI or ASUS laptop from 2022 or later, with either an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 or an AMD Ryzen 9 9950 GPU.



Ever since the announcement of The PS Vita, I've almost strictly been a Nintendo®-collector. So imagine my excitement when I discover that Sony® may have an early PSP™2 handheld in development!

Yes, that is my real PSP™ 3000 Silver Model!

If the latest Nintendo rumours are anything by which to go, which — let's face it — they're not, these new plans still shan't put JadeEmatic behind The Switch's successor!

Here it is, the Xbox Trailer no one expected.

Although not yet shown here, racing-Games with proper steering-controls are coming to JadeEmatic!

Out with the old, In with the new!

That's right, "The JadeEmatic is coming! BEFORE, the Nintendo ® Switch™ successor!

Have you noticed that some of our games now come in proper "boxes?" Just like the ones you might see on the Nintendo® Switch™ shelves at your local game-store?

Please comment which of our games should receive the box treatment next!

Hoping ya'll are ready to funk right now! If you want the testers key, DM me. :D

Due to recent events, today's showcase has been postponed to 2025.6.14. We deeply apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.