Voxel Fight (OLD)
6 years ago

Yes! Smart AI movement across the whole chamber is in place! Break it for me.



Next up

New characters and intro sequence

Just been working on some odds and ends. Next up? Cues for when someone has a powerup.

Some updates for Voxel Fight, check it out!

The new artwork in action

Some new Art in the level and other fun changes. Next major milestone is implementing the final feature, rotating levels. I got them working, but there's...bugs.

Update coming soon!

patched new version with keyboard controls

Bringing wall climbing back! Preview image here, and of course always check out "Chambers" for the original prototype with wall climbing.

Last release 5/5 borked keyboard controls on the UI. Next release will fix. Controllers still work fine (main way to play)

pushing a new release, 2.2 that change the controls for keyboard for START = Return button and ATTACK = 'f' key. I hope to have a settings screen in a few weeks that'll give the player more control here.