Post about Sci-Fi!

Another new song has been uploaded to the Lutaland game page! This one is called Road to the Roost II, and as you can guess, it is similar-sounding to the song Road to the Roost (now Road to the Roost I).

Us: implementing feature that will allow our community to play Time to Morp more comfortably

The feature in question:


Angelic power(original song)

I haven't forgotten about this one

Relinearted and colored the head of this silly fellow

My lining pen is out of ink now, unfortunately.

The first game I properly played was the Q*bert clone “Q-Bob” #SoundOffSunday

#SoundOffSunday (reuploaded)

I did play a lot of PS2 games back then. But honestly, I can't remember which one was really the first one I've played..

However, the one game that I do remember playing so often has to be "Destroy All Humans!" for the PS2!

Sprites for friendly NPCs.

Спрайты для дружественных НПЦ.

In Time to Morp we are all about green energy, Wave and Wind generators are our proudest inventions, what else should we add to the game to maintain clean air for Morps?❤♻️

FR: Il sera présent lorsque ce sera son tour. (Fait dans Blender) ;)

EN: He will be present when it will be his turn. (Made in Blender) ;)

=> @ItsMeNoOne

=> Jeu / Game:

=> Requête / Request: @HeisenbergusS

Create your own little oasis with those cozy autumn vibes right in the middle of the desert — or wherever you fancy. It's totally up to you🏜️🍂