All Posts in a night at bobby story line/books/fan game

Share your creations!

This could possibly become a reality we could possibly have a real a night at bobby's:the Bobby files book if a DDLC fan can make one we can! FanArt made by??? @peppercatty cover page made by @Atha1

@martinarthur @Victorbambi @SnezhanaMironova1 and more

Would y'all like to make soundtracks for the game


@Itsmedreadbear12 made the warning scenes, and of course, we officially found our programmer!

read the article @zoesfancycakes @Emy_Imp

Who would like to make the soundtracks for a night at bobby's add me on discord fnaf_anime1215rowan if you do!!

Learn more about each character!!

Another art contest read article @scribbleslol @DinosaurDirtbag and more

read the article to learn about the challenge @AhmadHamod @4i2jolt and more

This is technically an art competition whoever can make a character cute and more like rambley that character will be in a night at bobby's so show me what y'all got!!