General in Alice in Wonderland

What's on your mind, friend?

I took a personality quiz on Alice: Madness Returns and I got her on my first try by just answering about how I perceive myself irl



"Does..h-he know?"

"I-I hope he doesn't.."

"I'm..t-talking to myself ag-again.."

"What if.."

"What i-if he finds out..?"

"What if he's still stuck?"

"WH-WHAT IF!!?--"


"I-I should really just wander around...."

"It helps me....somehow......"

(tied to this:…)

btw here's the gamepage if anyone is interested as well as just having it there so you can get notified when it officially releases:

"My my......"

"Such a rather...strange website this is."

"Well...maybe not as strange...."


"Curiouser and curiouser...."