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Kind off, the not-so final look (for Noah's Ark in the game) ended up doing quite good.

More of the "Noah's Ark".
And i would tell it to you "Noah's Ark was that building from D. Gray Man, a Series from 2004, and also, this is post 2004".

Supreme Challenger Approach: Sly Cooper!
Also, the First Sly Cooper was released in 2002. What is it, #Post2002?

I Made Sprites for "Gash Bell".
From the 2001 Series "Konjiki no Gasshu!!", also known as the "Zatch Bell" series.

Mahoraba is a Great Manga Series, released between January 2000 to July 2006.
Come on, this series is very recommended that you could like this post, i'll give Mahoraba a 9.5 out of 10.

The Big-O is very well known, so i gonna share this to you all.

Hunter X Hunter began in #1998, and became a Great Manga Series ever since then. Also, #Kurapika and #Meruem are coming to #JumpExtra.

Initial D (Manga Released on 1995) is Very Good.
The Anime, has some awesome soundtrack.

You can get Minako Aino at Achievements. Here is also Homura to demonstrate the "Battlebacks" Achievements.