Projects in Astortainment Community

Talk about stuffz...


Me and mickey have ran into a (Probably) unfixable bug with one of the games options in the settings- The Fullscreen option.

No matter if you click fullscreen on, change the script, or the hitbox- It won't make the window fullscreen.

Working on multiple projects have been tiring- So I've came up with a new solution

Every 4 days, I'll switch the game I'm working on, and I'll work on that game for those 4 days.

The full demo won't come out soon- but a menu demo will!

2 updates:

One, the games name is being changed from nightshift @ PHS to "Twisted inferno" as this will not just be PHS devs, but fnaf fangame devs around the internet!.

and Two, We have our 16th and final character for demo 1!- @Saminate - Jack.

I just got 5 of my teeth pulled-

Can't go to school today, my gums are inflamed, swollen and bleeding-

Dentist suggested to eat and drink cold soft stuff to help with my gums... I unfortunately won't be working on ANY games this week; hope u understand.

Project readjusted: Left behind-

I'm honestly enjoying making this game!, hopefully we'll release a 2 night demo soon!.