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Over the course of Sunday, I made a bunch of changes to the game. A Gender page, a proper opening, interactive characters and even save and loading systems. Yes all in Scratch.

I re-did the tutorials in the prologue level. I'm hoping this will be a lot clearer to new players what all you can do in this game (which is a lot!), and how exactly you do it.
Yes, these go away after you've seen them all once.
Financial Windfall (v3.1.0)
(And sequel news!)
Nanotech Showcase: SPLINTER SHOT
What it does: Bullets have a chance to rebound and hit enemies behind you
How to get: Hand in 10 codex disks at the library
Best strategy: Clever tactical shooting (who ever said swords need more skill than guns?)

Nanotech Showcase: CORROSION BLADE
What it does: Melee combos have a chance to inflict extra poison damage over time.
How to get: Beat any Challenge Mode on MASOCHIST difficulty.
Best strategy: Run up and HIT THINGS (looking at you, playtesters!)

Chapter 6U is DONE.
ONE CHAPTER REMAINS until Early Access release.
I can't wait to get this game out there for all of you to play. I hope y'all are half as excited as I am, because I can't wait!

What's this? A gameplay video? Things must be getting serious!
Be sure to turn your sound on to hear the epic new title theme music that I teased earlier!
Also, visit my YouTube channel to keep up with gameplay & music uploads!
Sam 3D Blast, A Game Where Sam Goes In A Experience That's 3D! (kinda)
New water effects! Water and acid now distort the background. And it also makes fallen enemies a bit more buoyant.
Surprise - you're not the only one who thought to call in backup! That's for roasting me with napalm in last week's screenshot.